10. Îles – Conciergerie


Conciergerie, Paris 3


Subsequently, we walk along Quai de l’Horloge past the northern side of the former royal palace, the oldest part of it, commonly called the Conciergerie.

On this side of the palace there are four 14th C. towers. The central towers originally guarded the entrance to the palace. The square tower farthest to the east has housed the official clock of Paris for more than six centuries. The entrance is between that tower and the central towers.

Salle des Gens d’Armes

We enter the palace.

Inside there are three vast Gothic halls from the 14th C. The biggest is Salle des Gens d’Armes of 1800 square meters, the ground floor under the palace.

After the Revolution in 1789 these halls were converted into a prison. 2600 people were brought in 1793-1794 and from here to the guillotine. The massacre did not end until the head of Robespierre himself was cut off in this manner.

This is the end of the Îles walk.

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