8. Îles – Pont Neuf


Place Dauphine, Paris

Place Dauphine

We exit by the same way, find the street and turn right and then again right along the river bank, Quai des Orfèvres, along the main police station, Police Judiciare. Then we again turn right into Rue de Harley and from there to the left up to Place Dauphine.

This restful square, which fans of inspector Maigret should remember, was planned in 1607 by Henri IV. It was mercifully spared when city planner Haussmann rebuilt the island. Some of the houses, for example no. 14, still have the original façade. Here are the wine bars Bar du Caveau and Henri IV, where we can rest our tired limbs.

Pont Neuf, Paris

Pont Neuf

After our rest we leave the square by the narrow end of its triangle and arrive at Pont Neuf.

The oldest bridge in Paris in spite of its name, built in 1578-1604, during the reigns of Henri III and Henri IV. It spans 275 meters, has heavy pillars and twelve Romanesque arches, decorated with grim faces of stone.

The former bridges in these places had houses on, as can be seen from paintings.

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