7. Îles – Sainte-Chapelle



Sainte-Chapelle, Paris 3

Sainte-Chapelle seen from an Art Nouveau metro station

When we return down the front steps we turn to the right into the main courtyard of the palace. There we see the oldest part of the palace complex, Sainte-Chapelle.

Built in 1248, singularly dazzling, probably the most beautiful Gothic church in existence. It is completely in the original state of the late Gothic style. The enormous windows of stained glass are the oldest windows in Paris and the most splendid windows from the 13th C.

We enter at the west front and first arrive at the lower church, originally the church of the royal household. From there we take the stairs to the upper church, which was the church of the king himself

Sainte-Chapelle interior

The upper church is one big room between windows. The walls between the windows are very narrow and roof rests on slender pilasters. The windows of 15 meters in height let in a mysterious light. This is the most magic place in Paris.

The church seems fragile but has in spite of that stood proud and without fissures for seven centuries and a half. It is strange that this jewel is hidden in a courtyard.

Sainte-Chapelle, Paris 2


If we want to scrutinize the windows we need a lot of time. The pictures in them show 1134 scenes from the Bible.

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