Eftir nokkur ár hefjast byltingar gegn gerræði auðmagnsins. Vilji fólk eða leshópar taka þátt í slíku, er gott að vera vel lesinn. Hér eru nokkur rit á ensku, sem fjalla samanlagt á fjölbreyttan hátt um ýmsar hliðar byltingar. Þær fást allar á Amazon. Síðasta bókin telur upp 198 mismunandi aðferðir:
The Prince; Niccolò Machiavelli
The Roman revolution; Ronald Syme
Explosion in a Cathedral; Alejo Carpentier
Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War; Che Guevara
Political Order in Changing Societies; Samuel P. Huntington
The Natural History of Revolution; Lyford Paterson Edwards
Crown Duel; Sherwood Smith
History’s Locomotives; Martin Malia
The Anatomy of Revolution; Crane Brinton
The French revolution; Thomas Carlyle
The Kingdom of this World; Alejo Carpentier
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution; Bernard Bailyn
The Sleeper Awakes; H. G. Wells
Outpassage; Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Reason and Revolution, Herbert Marcuse
The State and Revolution; Vladimir Lenin
The Machiavellian Moment; J.G.A. Pocock
A Vindication of the Rights of Men; Mary Wollstonecraft
States and Social Revolutions; Theda Skocpol
Ten Days that Shook the World; John Reed
The Structure of Scientific Revolution; Thomas Samuel Kuhn
The Rebel; Albert Camus
From Dictatorship to Democracy, Gene Sharp (líka kvikmynd)